Should have happened a long time ago
Fuckin right, but least it’s over.
Now we just have Wardlow and Danhausen in Kahntanamo Bay.
Is Wardlow trying to leave too? Thought he was just injured again.
Honestly I don’t even know at this point. I think hes clear but not sure.
Taven said late last year that Wardlow was out with a knee injury. No idea where he is in rehabbing it though.
He’s going going to be at Pandemonium Wrestling’s Wrestlemania weekend show apparently!
And finally, this sad saga draws to a close.
Hope Rey does great things in WWE (for his sake, not theirs), and I hope AEW doesn’t play these kind of petty power games in the future.
Let’s fucking go! I do hope Penta finishes out this singles push before they reunite
Edit: I forgot the 90 days. Should be enough time for a Penta run, right?