
  • ivanafterall@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    Would this be an appropriate time to discuss what kind of creature Ric Flair has actually morphed into? You can’t tell me age alone accounts for that, even with a lifetime of wrestling. We’re talking something on a Spider-Man laboratory accident scale and I’m tired of being lied to.

  • JelloBrains@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    TL, DR: My rant is just being annoyed at the hypocrisy of Tony about Vince and then having Flair around, as well as not taking the Jericho thing seriously.

    “If Sir Vince McMahon said this, it would be the least of his alleged misdeeds.” - TK Tweets

    “Yes. Vince has allegedly used his power and influence to shoot a lot of shots.” - TK Tweets

    He had no problem being an ally when he was taking shots at Vince McMahon over his scandal…

    Then when Chris Jericho was brought up recently… his response is… “I can’t speak to internet and unsourced rumors,” also claiming that AEW is the safest company. They have a disciplinary committee and his door is always open if somebody has concerns. Not a couple of weeks later he praises Ric Flair a known problem that was the main concern in that Dark Side episode.

    I just wish he’d shut his mouth and turn off social media sometimes, I think it’s detrimental to the company in the long run. The response to Jericho should have been something along the lines of, We take all allegations seriously, but cannot comment on that at this time. That would have given the impression they were investigating even though they probably aren’t, and that kind of corporate double-speak is real and happens every day.

    As for Flair, I think the very important part of his quote about him is this… “Ric Flair’s Woooo Energy is a great sponsor” That leads me to believe that it’s a financial arrangement, he agreed to hire Flair only for the financial incentive and the fact he has claimed that the energy drink is paying for Flair not him. I mean it’s still seriously shitty for a company that promised to be different to hire him, but for money, a lot of people do shitty things.