I have a home assistant running on a pi 3b+.
I want to add Dht11 sensor to it but do not have ESP devices.
Can I directly plug the sensor on pi gpio and read data from there or I have an arduino which would take data from Dht11, put that in serial which would be sent to pi via USB. Then how to integrate that data into homeasssistant ?
If you want / need to go without hacs, you can use python to read data from the pi pins and get them into Home Assistant via mqtt This also allows for remote dht sensors with other pis / pi zero W…
Yes. There is an add-on in HACS that will allow it.
It used to be built in, but they removed it some years ago. The HACS add on replaced it. Link
Is dht11 supported in the binary sensor? I installed the hacs and the addon but did not connect it yet.
It’s not a binary sensor, but it is supported to report temperature and humidity, unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re asking.
Here’s the actual HACS add-on: https://github.com/richardzone/homeassistant-dht
The one linked before looks to just be a GPIO one, not a DHT one.