Welcome, wrestlefriends, to SCZ’s “Fantasy Booking Friday”!
After twelve long years… January is finally over.
On the first Friday of each month, I’ll be presenting a fictional wrestling scenario, and it’s up to you, dear wrestlefriend, to play armchair booker and decide how you would make it happen. Your submissions can be as straight forward, or as goofy as you like, the only rule is: keep it in the realm of wrestling (Death Battle already booked Batman vs Spider-Man).
This month’s scenario:
Can I get a do-over?
Take a terrible wrestling storyline or feud and rewrite it. One caveat, however, you can’t change the participants. For example, you still can’t have the NWO in your Invasion rewrite.
Note, I said rewrite it, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to make it better.
Just to be clear, this is not a contest, there are no prizes to be won. This is purely for entertainment. Happy booking!
Finger-poke of Doom: Watch Nash shoot and once Hogan pokes him, he just lays him the fuck out (brother).
If you have an idea for a future Fantasy Booking Friday, reply to this comment.
Elite Hunter Frankie. Man how lame was that? And it had all the potential in the world to be fun. Just turn him into a backstage Punisher laying traps for the elite and have them constantly looking over their shoulder for some crazy elaborate trap or wacky ambush out of a broom closet or something.
Really lean into how insane this could go. Like if Daddy Ass can be kidnapped I don’t see why Nick Jackson couldn’t have been hung over a tank of pirannhas. Real Looney Tunes meets Jigsaw Killer energy. Kaz doesn’t ever even have to do a single run-in for the whole gimmick, just have him lurking in the shadows, a perfect kayfabe reason to thin out the Elite numbers on any given week.
Also the urge to just make this post about reversing bad booking decisions rather than detailing a feud itself was so strong… Ah fuck it:
Cody doesn’t go over Malakai, Punk doesn’t go over Hangman, Goldberg doesn’t go over Owens or the Fiend (and while we’re at it Goldberg never comes back after that one time he squashed Brock and it was awesome - no 50/50 bollocks, we just leave it at that), someone else goes over Jade for the TBS belt much sooner (anyone, idc), Jericho doesn’t go over Kingston, and lastly a controversial one but I’d let Kip go over OC for the International belt (and while we’re at it fuck the name change we’re keeping the All Atlantic name, I don’t care that it’s dumb, in fact that’s why I love it!)
I actually liked the All Atlantic name, it kinda reminded me of some of those obscure, but still prestigious territory titles. Meanwhile: International, Intercontinental, Interchangeable.