• 21 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSo cute 😊
    6 months ago

    16 or higher, yes. But, the age gap shouldn’t be too big at that age as well. My personal opinion, 10 years at that age, max. Anything above 25, add whatever age gap you wan’t, they are adults in the true meaning of the word.

    Is it possible that you are thinking that, because age of consent is very high in your country?

    Hm… maybe. After all, I was raised that way.

    But still, I’ve seen how much teenagers at that age have going on up there, they’re just thrill seekers at that age, they really don’t know anything about life, they could easilly be fooled by someone older than them.

  • So I’m curious why do you think it’s wrong?

    Most teenagers are too young at 14 to know how the consequneces of their actions might reverbirate in their lives. Sure, they might feel up to the task, but ask any saman of any tribe, 18, 19 is the age when you actually get to be called an adult. Yes, they still lack eperience, by they make up for it by having youth. You put tyem in risky situations so they learn. Old people aren’t wiser, they just have more life experience.

    So, my conclusion would be, 14 is too young (in general, doesn’t mean there aren’t 14 year olds thinking like 20 year olds). 16… depends, but with proper guidnace, a lot better than 14. So… yeah, I would be willing to lower the bar, IF parrenting wasn’t seen as a role, but as a duty (this is a diffeent converstaion).

    This is unusual, but it’s not wrong. So why would big age gaps be wrong for a teenager and an adult?

    The reasons I explained above: not enough life experience.

    After all we accept that teenagers should be able to have control over their own bodies (at least in most of Europe and most of US). So shouldn’t it be their decision?

    That “control” is mostly imaginary (as it should be), They THINK they’re in control, but when pushing comes to shoving, they always call the parrents (again, as it should be). There is nothing wrong with that, their parrents know them best (or at least how things should be) and they probably know why they did what they did (again, in this world, this is a best case scenario… these things should be REALLY, realy analyzed by people far smarter than me). So, the assumption is, shit happened, they’re young, they can lie out of spite, which makes thigs even harder… let’s find out what happened 🤷.

    Sorry for posting such a long comment on an old post. I just realised how insane the whole hate campaign against RMS was, because he is right about most of the things he was criticised fo

    As I said, I would agree about SOME of the things (I would call them sane defaults) he said, but not everything. 14 is too young in most cases. 16… I could probably start debating in that.

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    6 months ago

    Yes, that should be possible.

    But, I would first try the naked Void install with additional firmware. lspci and lsusb should point you to which manufaturer you’re missing drivers for and you can install the additional firmware from the non-free Void repo, (you can add that manually to the repos, it doesn’t come bundled with it). If that deosn’t work, hey, you can always try repackaging 🤷. Just remember to remove the non-free firmware first, so it doesn’t conict with the repackaged stuff from RH (yes, things like firmware packages or drivers can conflict with each other, especially since you’re taking them from a repo xbps knows nothing about).

    Yeah, just test it out on old x86 hardware, that’s what I did at first as well.

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    6 months ago

    IDK, depends on the CPU architecture… I’m not that famlilar with Macs, but if it’s x64 capable, yeah, no problem.

    I think there was a list of supported architectures on the website 🤔…

    Can’t find it now. Anyway, x86, x86_64, ARMv6/v7/v8 are all supported out of the box. PPC is also supported, but you have to build everything yourself from scratch (there was one maintainer that maintained a PPC build, but he gave up on it a year or so ago, he went on to form Chimera Linux), which can be done by crossbuilding on any of the supported architectures using xbps-src… but that’s a lot of work to be honest, if it’s a PPC architecture, you’re better off using Chimera Linux.

    I do recommend trying the glibc version first, since you’d have to run everything that depends on glibc in a chroot, on a musl install. Yeah, it is doable, but if you’re not really experienced with this, just use the glibc version.

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    6 months ago

    How does xbps-src handle dependencies?

    Regarding feeding it rpm/deb packages, it reads the dependencies from the deb/rpm package and uses the equvalent names in shlibs (shared libraries). That’s basically a list of libs that some applications expect to find, so xbps-src just makes a symbolic link to the equvalent lib with the name that the app expects to find. Look at the example I gave above with libtiff.

    Regarding everything else built from source, there are 3 types of dependencies, since the packages are built in a chroot: hostdepends - dependcies that are requires by the chroot system, makedepends - dependencies that are required to build the package, depends - dependencies that are required to run the package. The ones that are required just to run the thing are the just depends, the other 2 are required for building only.

    What happens if a dependency is not available in the Void repos?

    You find the equivalent lib in Void (the xtools package is a great help for a lot of things, including repackaging), add it to shlibs and that’s it. If it’s proprietery or Void doesn’t have it (higly unlikely if it’s open source… I have yest to run in a case like that), you have to put in the template as a distfile (if proprietery and only binary versions are available), or you have to compile from source (also done automatically by xbps-src once it detect there are distfiles for the lib and is not present in the repos).

    Building from source is also easy in most cases (when no patches need to be applied). xbps-src has build styles (gnu-make, meson, etc.), so you just define that in the buildstyle parameter and it does everything automatically, including adding missing build dependencies.

    xbps-src goes through a lot of trouble to make packaging and building as automatic as possible.

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    6 months ago

    No, just bootup and general responsivness of the system. Software is still compiled by the ssme compilers used in other distros. Everything is not magically faster.

    Though on the musl build, yeah, it is faster. Trouble is, you can’t run glibc software on it. Through chroot, yeah, but natively, no.

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    6 months ago

    The syntax is a bit different, but everything else, more or less the same. In fact, if you just wanna repackage a deb or an rpm, it’s even easier than in Arch, xbps-src can handle deb and rpm automatically, it detects dependencies and does repackaging on it’s own. You basically just have to feed it the deb/rpm file in a one liner, that’s it.

    I should probably give an example. Here is the template file (they’re called templates in Void) for Viber. You basically just feed it the deb, do a vcopy (copy operation specific to xbps-src) and that’s it, everything else regarding the repackaging is done automatically by xbps-src.

  • 0x4E4F@lemmy.dbzer0.comOPtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    6 months ago

    Lol, that’s normal in Arch, Void, Gentoo, LFS.

    Almost every proprietery software there is out there has only Debian/Ubuntu packages, yet we run them in Arch, Void, Gentoo… as long as the dependencies are there, it doesn’t matter what distro you run the software on.