tips fedora
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
tips fedora
You son of a bitch.
*clicks play*
3 hours? Pfff, amateur.
OP is also into watersports and tried to hide it by changing the colors
Word. I often complain at work how programming and programmers seem to take “computing resources are cheap” as “USE FUCKING EVERYTHING”. There is fuckloads of bloat and web frameworks that are somehow marketed as “lightweight” despite making everything, even the development speed, worse in nearly every aspect.
Video playback is a wholly different thing, tho, because of all the encoding/decoding that keeps file size down.
How I feel like after contributing
Alternative text: Firefox overcoming Chrome
That’s just the FreePascal Compiler
The problem is that M$ likes to ensure that their stuff saved as docx won’t render properly when opened on libreoffice. Fonts, headers, position of tables, many things can look out of place because fuck you for not using MSOffice
Will you give me the position if I answer the problems? 😀
Through good marketing, aka bullshitting their way all along
Suddenly I feel like a fucking accomplished programmer, despite only doing some questionable stuff on Godot lately, but never messing up my loops… Not too badly anymore, anyway.
A fizzbuzz type of question I know I would mess up on the modulo
operator. I know the logic is if the division of the current_number by 3 has a remainder of zero, write fizz
, but I always look up the operator
I dont get it. In that cenario, using Biometrics is not less secure as that wrench would convince you of telling the password.
A password is safer because they will need you alive and conscious. To bypass the biometrics, you just need the body part.
Mental Outlaw isn’t white, sooo…
XFCE with OpenSuse style is my favorite. Low resource usage, windows-easy ability to put shortcuts all over the desktop (fuck you, Unity), searchbox that just works. I don’t need to spend hours or months customizing the setup for it to work as I want.
Next thing you know, banks will try to convince its clients that they really don’t need to access all their money.
bUt sEcuRiteeeEeeeEEE
I recommend Lazpaint if you want something that’s significantly faster and lighter, though not as feature rich and nothing like Photoshop, interface wise.
This post is a reminder that I might have to take another look at used printers for sale, get something that won’t suck whenever I need to print RPG character sheets and other stuff for tabletop gaming
Eh, it’s not like much happened between 2007 and now, maybe just a couple of updates