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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Because as per usual they don’t understand security. I have started choosing my bank based on software they have. If software looks competent, that’s my most significant influence.

    They think rooted device = insecure device, but at the same time PC is even less secure and yet all the business users use them and more to the point have passwords written on a sticky note glued to the screen. My old bank at one point “upgraded” their software system and then started asking me for weird characters in password and then asked for maximum length which was the final sin I allowed them to commit. Left them that week.

  • Not only proton, but unless you are rocking custom engine, pretty much all of them support Linux out of the box. It’s usually middleware that poses an issue and most importantly developer’s inexperience with the OS, which means they can’t provide tech support for their product.

  • Which is why you shouldn’t do that. Dependency nightmare is a real problem many developers face. More to the point they impose it on you as well if you are by any reason forced to use their software. Well established libraries are gateway to this. People are getting out of their way to complicate lives to themselves and massive amount of others just so they could avoid writing a function or two. Biggest absurdity I like to point out to people is the existence of is-number NPM package, which does that. It has 2300 dependent projects on it!!! Manifest file for said package is bigger than the source. And the author had the hubris to “release it under MIT”. How can you claim copyright on num - num === 0?

    On all the projects I manage I don’t allow new dependencies unless they are absolutely needed and can’t be easily re-implemented. And even then they’d have to be already in the Debian respository since it’s a good and easy way to ensure quick fixes and patching should it be needed. Sometimes alternative to what we wanted to use already is in repo, then we implement using different approach. We only have few Python modules that are not available in repo.

    Managing project complexity is a hard thing and dependencies especially have a nasty habit of creeping up. I might be too rigid or old-school or whatever you want to call it, but hey at least we didn’t get our SSH keys stolen by NPM package.

  • No. Since each partition gets its own UUID, it means it’s generated by the OS on creation, no matter the number of partitions. On boot kernel will scan all UUIDs and then mount and map according to them, which is sightly less efficient method than naming block device directly, but far easier for humans and allows you to throw your drives to whichever port you like.