Melody Fwygon

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • (As if spoken by the King to Simba:)

    Rust: Everything from the bottom of this cliff to the acacia tree there is ours. Make sure you ask permission before you take something, take nothing you are not permitted to take. We don’t go beyond that tree; and if you even think about the elephant graveyard beyond it; I’ll kill you myself.

    C: Everything the sun touches is yours. I caution you to not venture into the shadows; but I will not stop you, for you are a king, and nothing a king can do is unnecessary if it is for his people.

  • I think there’s a problem with the ‘C only’ devs refusing to be accomodating to the Rust developers. Instead of being stubborn; why not provide them what is needed and help the Rust team learn how to maintain what is needed themselves?

    None of the reasons I’ve seen mentioned are legitimate reasons for refusing to at least help them a few times, and helping them to learn how to do the onerous task themselves so they can keep it off the main plate for too long.

    C devs do not need to learn Rust to provide critical information; they need only be present and cooperative with Rust devs to help them find, convert, and localize data structures for Rust use. They can stand to sit and pair code with their Rust Dev counterparts long enough to teach a Rust Dev counterpart how and what they need to look for in C code. It’s not that big of an ask, and it’s not something that really is a large ask. Provide the bindings for a short period of time, and work on training a team of Rust Devs to maintain the bindings.

    That way both sides are stepping up to meet the others and the data isn’t being sat on by the C-only Devs.

  • I plan to Continue Refusing To Daily Drive Linux again this year in my standard drive to push Linux, Linux Developers, Managers and Contributors to be more friendly for end users. You have to be better than Windows, and we know you people can achieve it if more can and do contribute. Make Contributing Easy and they will Contribute.

    Maybe I’ll spin up a Matrix Homeserver with Beeper bridges to self-host that…if that becomes a necessity. Getting to know how to use and administrate Linux efficiently is always a good thing to learn, even if it’s not easy still, and even if the bad old days were even worse.

    The Linux for Windows subsystem is a nice to have that makes learning a little less troublesome.