She worked on Scribblenauts iirc.
She worked on Scribblenauts iirc.
She’s 17 so i think this qualifies as like, 10% of her life so far as champ?
that she’s not going by Xia Zhao like in TJPW, ::: but awesome for her.
Not only that, he’s “monopolizing” a slot by sharing it with 2 excellent picks for pushes (Big Bill and Bryan Keith) and having good-to-great matches where he leaves space for others to do their thing.
I get that people have internet brain and have ulterior reasons to hate the man but as an older wrestler he knows his place and he’s doing well in it.
He’s at least trying to elevate people, and he’s crucially not trying to pull rank and demand championships when his bones are made of real glass.
He’s still got ok ring skills if he paces himself and he’s still as great at coming up with gimmicks as he’s ever been, this is the best way to use him IMO. Surround him with younger people who can benefit from the exposure and make them the focus.
Oh yeah, happily wrong. And the match is gonna be a banger, too.
After leaving wwe she had like, 1 date with RoH in her home town because she’s friends with Shafir, that was it.
For her sake I hope she invested and spent her money wisely, I don’t see a gravy train coming anytime soon.
Maybe it was a triple bluff: make a terrible AMA to market a mediocre comic, to make the sandy hook thing come up again so she can apologise publicly and get a bunch of brownie points and signal boost her comic’s kickstarter.
(It wasn’t, but I bet they wish it was)
It rings a bit self absorbed with trying to explain herself initially but overall she’s at least made it very clear she’s unreservedly apologising for the action and that she knows she fucked up and what exactly the fuckup was, which is the checklist of a good apology.
8/10 as apologies go, assuming it’s genuine, otherwise she’s got a great PR team.
I actually almost only get board games I’m hype about from KS these days, that’s how I know.
Board game fighting game BattleCon for instance, which I heartily recommend.
Kickstarter is largely used to market and gage interest while setting up a very early preorder list.
Almost no media project is actually funded solely through Kickstarter anymore, especially not for physical media like comics or board games.
Oh god what a sloppy fucking throw.
Love how her reaction is to look at him like you look at a toddler who just chucked a handful of spaghetti at a wall. What a trooper.
(シ_ _)シ
You can’t say this and not link the video.
Yeah, I’d rather it be Aniki cause I think the resulting match would be better, but at least we’ll get Aino vs Aniki pretty much guaranteed.
I’d say we are clearly headed towards Aino vs Mizunami, kinda unexpected to see us get there this particular route but hey, I’ll take it.
Yuki Aino beats Yuki Kamifuku
Yuki Arai beats Suzume
Zara Zakher beats Mizuki
Ryo Mizunami beats Rika Tatsumi
Ryo Mizunami will face Yuki Arai
Yuki Aino will face Zara Zakher
Looks like promoters being carnies never goes out of style.
True but size is also a feature here.
A small roster managed up close and dedicated to delivering consistently is much better than like, AEW in 2023.
It’s the difference between an industrial bakery and a hole in the wall handmade patisserie, you get a much better product but you can’t easily scale it up.