Ubuntu was great, until Unity debacle, when I switched to Mint DE. Few years later I returned to an Unity free Ubuntu just to be welcomed with snaps and Ubuntu pro.
Ubuntu was great, until Unity debacle, when I switched to Mint DE. Few years later I returned to an Unity free Ubuntu just to be welcomed with snaps and Ubuntu pro.
Which MMwave sensor did you get?
I used or it used me for a couple of years. Then while looking for a replacement I found the snap version. I installed it in a fresh Ubuntu VM and it just works.
I have the same problem with a zwave energy meter that randomly send a single reading of multiple gigawatts. This makes the history unusable until I manually delete those data points. I haven’t noticed this problem with any of my zigbee sensors.
Anything other than QNAP.
Eaton is my recommendation. Look at the 5S1500 (modified sinewave) or 5SC1500. They all work with NUT. I have one of my UPS connected to a Raspberry PI Zero with NUT. And my servers NUT clients are scheduled to shutdown after a 2min outage and my NAS after 4min. I can also monitor the UPS from Home Assistant and receive notifications on my phone each time the UPS goes OB or OL.
You are 👍, nextcloud needs like 2 admin per each user. The snap version works fairly well even after a lot of virtualization layers. Proxmox -> Ubuntu LXC -> Snap -> Nextcloud