I’ve used flatpak only once, but I am pretty sure I ran it through the cli. Did I imagine that? i might have imagined that, it was a while ago
I’ve used flatpak only once, but I am pretty sure I ran it through the cli. Did I imagine that? i might have imagined that, it was a while ago
Okay now that is totally crazy!
I mean more than none would be surprising
Use Firefox, not Chromium
Your comment came across as attacking me, and also as a little bit crazed. That said I completely agree with your last sentence, being able to admit you are wrong is a very important skill and one many people could do with learning (I try, I don;t always succeed but I try)
Wrong person to post this in response to, dude
just a super massive weirdo
I once heard him described as “The smartest man to ever throw a tantrum like a 4 year old”
Yeah, KDE is just better in so many ways. When gnome launched kde was built on a not-fully-open-source library, but then they fully open sourced QT, and that was decades ago so now there is no excuse!
I use multiple desktops a lot. Like all the time. i have six and generally about five of them have at least one window on them. I could have everything on one desktop but then it’d just feel crowded!
Ah, fair enough, probbaly me misremembering then