Ok but I don’t see how that was ever in dispute?
Ok but I don’t see how that was ever in dispute?
It’s useful for security researchers to collect and analyze what the newest attack bots are trying to do, in order to learn how to defend against it and study the malware they drop. There are some cool videos on YouTube about decompiling malware dropped by the bots.
You’re thinking of partuuid
, regular uuids are part of the filesystem and made at mkfs time
That one hasn’t been around for a long time, since the Linux kernel started using a SCSI abstraction layer above many of the other storage protocols. Really cool stuff: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/The_Linux_Storage_Stack_Diagram.svg/1161px-The_Linux_Storage_Stack_Diagram.svg.png
Maybe try Stash, it has gallery support too https://github.com/stashapp/stash
Also, what about jellyfin itself? It also supports photos
The issue is whether the data is collected by a known third party tracker domain which would be blocked by an adblocker
Lots of malware gets hosted using dynamic DNS domains, so they (or more likely some bot) probably saw the domain frequently showing up in malicious activity and blocked it without understanding that it itself isn’t the source of the malicious activity.
You can use cryptsetup-reencrypt to encrypt an existing disk in place with LUKS. Then you just have to modify the initramfs/bootloader/fstab to point to the new configuration. See https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/Device_encryption#Encrypt_an_existing_unencrypted_file_system
Accessing printers? Resolving hostnames of internal hosts? I can’t imagine having a lan without mDNS