Lol my hands are jacked from physical labor and health, scars on my fingers, dry skin, my thumb print only works only 50% of the time anyhow.
Lol my hands are jacked from physical labor and health, scars on my fingers, dry skin, my thumb print only works only 50% of the time anyhow.
I understand wanting to use this, but, fingerprint reader is so I secure I usually avoid it.
They used dial up for certain claims up to about 10 years ago, they claimed it was for security.
Even freaking Russia has a nationalized healthcare system, the fuck!? Medicaid and Medicare runs windows 95 on dialup.
You need some kind of vent fan to blow that air out of there. Like a thermostat attic fan for example, In the garage. I’ve seen people crack a window if you got it. Crack the garage door or back/side door when you’re home. Nothing is going to get rid of that heat except some ventilation of some kind.