No, it does.
No, it does.
I haven’t. Thanks for the tip. This might come in handy when we need to create automated documents again.
I’ve come to that conclusion, too. If only printing support were better, I wouldn’t write anything but HTML.
Take a step back and reconsider. The reason the software is fighting you is because you are trying to make it do something it is not meant for or you’re actively asking it to do the opposite of what you stated earlier you wanted to achieve.
Wise words, and true most of the time.
But goddammit is it so hard not to write over the page border? This isn’t something I should have to specifically define as bad.
Thank you very much.
BTW I wrote my thesis in LibreOffice. That’s its own can of worms, but at least I knew how to wrestle it into submission – other than LaTeX. Set the font to Latin Modern Roman and no-one will know the difference.
Exactly my point.
Yeees, I forgot all about the non-existent module system.
– Professor: Here’s the template for your thesis.
– There are, like, 50 lines of macro imports here. Which modules does this need?
– Fuck if I know. You want my installation? It’s only 50GB.
LaTeX is soo great! You don’t have to worry about formatting ever again.
Puts image I’m talking about 8 pages away from the section that talks about the image
Writes not only over the margin, but over the goddamn page boundary because adding a page was not fashionable that day
Moves a table left by 1 cm on every other compilation, moves it back in the other compilations (happened to a colleague)
So instead of worrying about formatting you worry about learning the incantations that force LaTeX at gunpoint not to fuck up the formatting.
Do you know how often users actually restart their machines without being forced?
If Windows would actually shut the fuck down when asked to do so, this wouldn’t be a problem.
the fans are spinning a lot of times whist it runs almost silent in Linux
In my experience that is because Linux (or whatever part of it that’s responsible) will only start cooling if it absolutely has to. Otherwise it’s happy to cook my laptop at 92°C.
I’ve just finished reinstalling mint after applying a fix that was supposed to let me control the fans fucked up xOrg beyond repair. Multi-monitor setup is broken. On Ubuntu I couldn’t even get the Wifi to work. Manjaro refused to update packages because after installing a usual 300+ package update surge, suddenly everything was in conflict with each other. On all distros I needed to edit a config file so external speakers wouldn’t hum at full volume when no sound was playing.
Even with the supposedly ‘easy’ distros, Linux still isn’t an everyman’s operating system.
Is that Tom Scott from the future?