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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • The definition of “operating systems” is not really clear. Some say the operating system is what is called the “kernel”. In the case of Linux operating systems, that kernel is called “Linux”. Most people, however, say that the operating system is the whole thing you install. That is, the kernel + a bunch of other apps.

    For example, in windows: notepad, internet explorer (now edge), paint, and all those apps are part of the operating system, that’s what people mean when they say “windows”. It’s the whole package. Other less obvious parts are drivers for example.

    In the case of Linux, most distributions ship with a bunch of GNU programs.

    “Akschually people” argue that the GNU parts are as important (if not more) as Linux itself for the operating system, so they feel like all the hard work of the GNU developers is shadowed by the people that say “Linux”.

  • Well, it did improve someone’s live, didn’t it? I’m not claiming my library that has 3 stars on GitHub is gonna revolutionize all of humanity. But it’s a little improvement. That contributes to having a more complete software ecosystem.

    That code is now available to everyone that wants it. If they need it, it’s there to use. Better than every company having to reimplements for the thousandth time the same closed software.

    Which brings me to another point I didn’t mention before. If a company uses an open source library, even if they are not required to publish their improvements to the library, they might do anyway because it is easier than maintaining their own fork and migrating every upstream change.

  • If I choose MIT it’s because I don’t care if people “steal” the code. This meme is stupid and condescending, if he didn’t mind that Intel used it’s code it’s because he didn’t mind, that why he chose MIT. Why is Intel beating him in the meme? It makes no sense. You are proyecting your thoughts onto him as if that’s how he felt, but then you show that he didn’t feel the same way you do. Why?

    When I see a GPL license I don’t see freedom. I only see forced openness, which makes me immediately avoid that library, since I can’t statically link to it.

    Freedom means that everyone can use your code. Yes, that means for-profit corporations. For free, without restrictions.

    If I want to make a piece of software to improve people’s lives and I don’t care to do it for free, I’ll choose MIT. If it gets “stolen” by a for-profit corporation it only makes it better, because now my software has reached more people, thus (theoretically) improving their lives.

  • Well, if all the good answers are behind non-indexable discord servers, of course search engines will be filled with SEO crap. If I Google “how to parse HTML with regex” stack overflow comes as the first entry.

    Wikis and FAQs are not at all unique to discord.

    If the only benefit is that “it’s not reachable, therefore spammers won’t spam”, then it is shit. If an information source is not reachable, might as well not exist. If you don’t want spammers, you make things read-only, or whitelist/blacklist system or any other system.

    1. This is not lately, it’s been happening for a long time.

    2. Nothing in particular happened.

    3. I’m gonna explain the meme: Discord started as a gaming communication software, after some time they expanded and discord servers are not used just for gaming. This leads to some software projects being coordinated in discord servers. However, discord is not a tool designed for this purpose, and because of that, OP had the reaction of this meme.

    The disadvantages of discord when used as a community for software projects (as opposed to traditional forums, for example) are as follows (not an exhaustive list):

    • Most importantly, discord doesn’t get indexed by search engines. So you can’t just Google a problem and a link to a discord message with the answer will appear. Some say that if something is said in a discord server, it hasn’t been said, because it’s not findable. You have to know in which server to look for, and then use Discord’s own searcher (which in my opinion is bad).
    • Conversations are just a flow of messages. Recently they introduced threads, which acts more like traditional forums, with an OP, title and answers. However, most people still just use the chat.
    • If you ask a question in a chat and nobody answers, people will just keep chatting and your question will be faded away, hidden by more recent messages.