Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I refer to that “the devs like it shitty” thing you get out of moderately old FOSS software “GIMP syndrome” because GIMP has it the loudest. A legitimately capable piece of software that you’re an idiot for using because good UX is considered a bug by the developers. Best to just let it die in obscurity and create something new from scratch than attempt to fork it.

  • I’ve done big forensic write-ups of it in the past and mapped it to the FAA’s accident chain model. It just so happened that he was using a distro with a weird forked DE (Pop!_OS) and just so happened that the version of the Steam package in the apt cache from when the install image was made was bugged in such a way that it would uninstall Xorg, and it just so happened that Pop!_OS didn’t run an apt update when launching their GUI app manager.

    When Linus saw “failed to install Steam” he turned the petulant child up to 11 and started bitching about how you always have to use the terminal in Linux, and instead of googling the error message to find out “do an update and try again” he found a page that told him how to sudo apt install steam. Most instructions like that tell you do to an apt update before an apt install, so I don’t know if he either aggressively skimmed, deliberately ignored the update command because he’s used to how painful Windows updates are, or if he found a source that didn’t include it.

    APT spat out a lot of stdout about all the packages it was going to remove, with a highlighted plaintext warning at the end which he failed to read or failed to heed.

    Linus’ bad attitude was a major contributing factor to the incident.

  • There has to be a level of “competently trained user” in there we can strive for. I think we were getting there about the time I was in high school circa 2003, where every last one of us could format an MLA essay in MS Word and do an autosum in Excel.

    Something that put me off of Microsoft products for a decade before I switched to Linux was their constant rearranging of the UI, requiring users to re-learn how to do basic tasks that worked just fine.

  • Yeah I’m pretty sure PC standing for Personal Computer was at one point a trademark of IBM. The IBM 5150 PC launched into a world full of different and incompatible microcomputers, even those that shared processors weren’t software compatible with each other. Hell, one of the things that sank Commodore was nearly none of their own machines were compatible with each other; most code written for a VIC20 wouldn’t run on a C64, etc.

    It was IBM designing a machine from off the shelf components, buying an OS from Microsoft, and relying only on the copyright on the BIOS to keep the machine proprietary that led to their ubiquity even 40 years later. Compaq wrote a non-infringing BIOS and was able to put to market a machine compatible with the PC’s software library. And now, for the first time in microcomputer history, you had a de facto industry standard. Build an 8086 machine with ISA slots, write or license a BIOS that MS-DOS can talk to, and now you too can run that growing software library.

    This was not a decision anyone made. The 8086 was quite literally slapped together because the engineers didn’t think it was going to be much of a big deal, IBM didn’t set out to create a standard that would stand for decades after they gave up all involvement with it. The modern x86 PC was metastasized as much as it was designed.

  • One other fairly important detail in that 99% off the shelf parts 1% copyrighted BIOS: IBM contracted with Microsoft for the operating system, PC-DOS. And for some reason this deal was non-exclusive, so if someone else built compatible hardware, you could just buy a copy from Microsoft without the IBM branding on it and it’ll run. Which is exactly what Eagle, and then Compaq, did.

  • So I just learned this mere seconds ago messing around in the terminal because of this thread. You know toilet the big text program in the terminal that does kind of ascii art text? A major difference between it and figletis it can do colors, and there are two color presets guaranteed to be available. Try toilet "hello there" --gay