Just use the Mozilla .deb
Just use the Mozilla .deb
You should not eat this.
The sysadmin version of
if(predicate) { return true; } else { return false; }
That’s because you know how to find information in a computer quickly and precisely. Recalk is for clueless people. They can ask the computer in plain English.
Magnetised needle and a steady hand is all you need.
Who won the duel? The boot or Mint?
Good for you
Unstable cli warning says no
masterrace represent
I’m rawdogging my QHD on 14" at native resolution. 10pt font. Sue me
It works like that in many languages, no “to” necessary. English needs many little words such as “to” and “of” and whatnot to connect things because it lacks cases
Update your issue with a pull request fixing the documentation. When you’re doing things on github, 99.999% of your audience is the general public, not the maintainer, because they will find your issue and solution through search engines.
You can open an issue and say exactly that
Nope - cached/archived versions will continue to exist
It needs to die in a fire. All hail man pages!
And then the manpage goes:
ThE fUlL dOcUmEnTaTiOn CaN bE vIeWeD wItH “info blah invocation”
Stop trying to make info a thing. It’s not going to be a thing.
Probably applications incompatible with wayland running under an x11 compatibility layer which doesn’t do scaling. It should be resolved when all applications support wayland.
Yes, there is:
Security updates can’t be provided by the distro for all apps at once
Waste of storage space, network traffic, and RAM
Btw I use Debian