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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • How do you know this? Of course there are lots of reasons for why they’d want to enforce minimum browser versions. But security might very well be one of them. Especially if you’re a bank you probably feel bad about sending session tokens to a browser that potentially has known security vulnerabilities.

    And sure, the user agent isn’t a sure way to tell whether a browser is outdated, but in 95% of cases it’s good enough, and people that know enough to understand the block shouldn’t apply to them can bypass it easily anyway.

  • Totally agree, this honestly sounds a bit like putting principles before reason. Personally, I don’t at all see why paying people for their work would make projects adhere any less to the “open source ethos”, even though I hear this idea a lot. I think that in an ideal world, it should be possible to contribute to OSS projects full-time and make a living, financed by donations from dependants (including corporations) that profit off of the free software and have a vested interest in continued and rapid development of the project.

    If you really don’t want the money to reward contributors, why not pass it on to open-source dependencies of your project that are looking for funding? FOSS projects not scrambling for funding is pretty rare today unfortunately.

  • macOS out of the box fucking sucks for monitor scaling with third party monitors. It’s honestly laughable for a modern OS. You can install some third party software that fixes it completely, but it really shouldn’t be necessary. I use an (admittedly pretty strange) LG DualUp monitor as a secondary, and out of the box macOS can only make everything either extremely tiny, extremely large, or blurry.

    Other than that, I’ve had no problems at all, and the window scaling between different DPI monitors is a lot smoother than it was with Windows previously.