The two cases, they knew what it was and they did it maliciously. They didn’t know what they were doing and got socially engineered in the process. Both cases are cause for failure.
The two cases, they knew what it was and they did it maliciously. They didn’t know what they were doing and got socially engineered in the process. Both cases are cause for failure.
Sure. But for an entry level interview as a pen tester… Scanning with Kali should be an easy task.
Using Kali? Easy if you have training. The capstone for our security course a decade ago was too find and exploit 5 remote machines (4 on the same network, 1 was on a second network only one of the machines had access to) in an hour with Kali. I found all 5 but could only exploit 3 of them. If I didn’t have to exploit any of them 7 would be reasonably easy to find.
Kali basically has a library of known exploits and you just run the scanner on a target.
This isn’t novel exploit discovery. This is “which of these 10 windows machines hasn’t been updated in 3 years?”
Win12 confirmed 2044 release date.
Win12 confirmed as a Linux mint cinnamon derivative distro.
This story is literally every experienced Linux users first horror story.
I still remember the first time I broke my xorg config on my shiny new slackware 10 install in early 2005.
It depends on what you are trying to do… There are many tunnel / reverse proxy routing services like
Here’s a list
You can also get a super cheap vps, do some ssh reverse tunnel magic and go along with your day.
A thousand novel mistakes.