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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I think this view is a little short sighted. I am glad that you don’t seem picky about your peripherals, but they are very important to others. As someone with a disability, if my mouse didn’t work on Linux, I wouldn’t even bother trying. I have spent a lot of money on peripherals and them working in Mac and Windows, but not Linux would be utterly rage inducing. It is irritating enough that I can’t adjust the dpi in Linux, but it is at least usable. I am still salty that every single pair of headphones I own use proprietary codecs that are not supported.

    I absolutely do not blame anyone for not using Linux if their peripherals do not work. I get that it is the “fault” of proprietary drivers. Unfortunately, some devices are not popular enough or too difficult for someone in the Linux community to want to work on it. I don’t blame the community either. However, telling someone they can’t use their mouse or keyboard the way it was intended isn’t going to convince anyone to use Linux.

    My point is, hardware costs money, is a physical device that you touch for hours at a time, and is configured to make your life easier. Tactile and ergonomic comfort is important. Macros, lights, and dpi settings are important to some people. For me, it is just dpi and smooth scrolling. Not everyone is happy with a cheap mouse and keyboard or wants to throw perfectly functional electronics in the bin.

  • Sorry, didn’t make it home until today and not sure if you get notifications on edits. You will need a monitor and keyboard hooked up to your server as you will not have ssh access until the network config is “fixed”. I would do the below with the GPU removed, so you know 100% that your networking config is correct before mucking about further.

    Step 1 - Create file

    Add a /etc/systemd/network/ with the below contents.

    # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
     # This config file is installed as part of systemd.
     # It may be freely copied and edited (following the MIT No Attribution license).
     # To make local modifications, one of the following methods may be used:
     # 1. add a drop-in file that extends this file by creating the
     #    /etc/systemd/network/ directory and creating a
     #    new .conf file there.
     # 2. copy this file into /etc/systemd/network or one of the other paths checked
     #    by systemd-udevd and edit it there.
     # This file should not be edited in place, because it'll be overwritten on upgrades.

    Step 2 - Reboot and find new name of NIC that will be based on MAC

    I forget if you have to reboot, but I am going to assume so. At this point, you can get the new name of your nic card and fix your network config.

    1. ip link should list all of your nic devices, both real and virtual. Here is how mine looks like for reference, with the MAC obfuscated:
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: enxAABBCCDDEEFF: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master vmbr0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    3: vmbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

    Step 3 - Fix your network config and restart network manager

    You will need to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file so the correct card is used.

    1. Make a copy of /etc/network/interfaces, just in case you mess something up.
    2. sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces (or whatever text editor makes you happy) It will need to look something like below. I have to have DHCP turned on for mine, so your config likely uses static. Really all you need to do is change wherever it says enp yada yada to the enxAABBCCDDEEFF you identified above.
     source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
     auto lo
     iface lo inet loopback
     iface enxAABBCCDDEEFF inet manual
     auto vmbr0
     iface vmbr0 inet dhcp
     #iface vmbr0 inet static
         bridge-ports enxAABBCCDDEEFF
         bridge-stp off
         bridge-fd 0
    1. Restart your networking service. You shouldn’t need to reboot. sudo systemctl restart networking.service

    Step 4 - Profit?

    Hopefully at this point you have nework access again. Check the below, do some ping tests, and if it doesn’t work, double check that you edited the interfaces file correctly.

    1. sudo systemctl status networking.service will show you if anything went wrong and hopefully show that everything is working correctly
    2. ip -br addr show should show that the interface is up now.
    lo               UNKNOWN ::1/128
    vmbr0            UP    

    At this point, if all is well, I would reboot anyways, just to make sure. If you add any GPUs, sata drives, other PCI device, disable/enable wifi/bt in the BIOS, or anything else that changes the PCI numbering, you don’t have to worry about your NIC changing.

  • I think I vaguely remember something about that, but I would be pretty upset if the keyboard navigation was unusable. It is almost as bad as the stupid mouse enabled BIOSs that never work. It doesn’t even work on the Dell laptop I have for work. The keyboard navigation is always extra special in those cases and involves a lot of button mashing to get to the correct thing, if I can figure it out at all.

    I don’t use wired mice either and had to dig the old gaming mouse out recently so I could get to some menus on a new machine to pair the mouse. I have done the mouse pairing thing through console and it isn’t the best experience, especially if you are trying to figure out if things are working in the first place. For me, I could figure it out. For a new user, you are asking a lot.

    Just give me an old school OS installer with simple menus, easy keyboard navigation, and the bare minimum guidance needed to not entirely fuck it up.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMan pages bad
    6 months ago

    I get confused every time I install a distro and man isn’t installed by default. I guess I get the bare minimum philosophy, but it throws me off every time. First thing I install is vim, man, git, and probably a couple other things I can’t remember right now.

    I do like a decent man page that has examples for us dummies and I have found that they have improved a lot over the years.

  • Also, get the updated kernel out of the backports repo as the main repo is pretty far behind in my opinion. I needed 6.5+ to get the hardware compatibility for some stuff and then I more or less had an out of box experience. I also highly recommend having your /home on a separate partition or drive. This way you can keep your user files if you ever want to change or reinstall the OS.

    Don’t feel bad about messing up the install. Everyone fucks it up a few times. The best one I did was forget to make the user account AND did not set a root password. Thou shall not install things at 2am…

  • I was curious as I couldn’t help but laugh, but damn dude. That is rough. Hilarious looking at it now, but I feel bad for whomever was at the receiving end.

    Of course, I’d also suggest that whoever was the genius who thought it was a good idea to read things ONE FUCKING BYTE AT A TIME with system calls for each byte should be retroactively aborted. Who the fuck does idiotic things like that? How did they not die as babies, considering that they were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on?

  • I code daily on mine, by choice. I also have no issue coding on Linux and will happily spend all day in a CLI. Homebrew is just as easy as using apt or what have you, at least in my personal experience.

    It isn’t always perfect.There was a bit of head scratching over shared libraries one time, until I figured out what stupidity I had to do to make Apple happy, but that is the only notable thing I can remember.

    However, coding on Windows can be super painful depending on the language, especially with all of the backwards paths. The only coding work I enjoy doing on Windows is C#. Worst case WSL2 is around when I need some sanity.

    No matter what, I have any of them available to me and the battery life on a MacBook Air is amazing. The corporate laptop is actually a decent machine and the size and weight is pretty good, especially considering the monstrous bricks the previous models were. Mobile workstation woes I guess. The most amusing part is AutoCAD 2024 running smoothly on the Mac. I never knew it could be that snappy.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldText editor war
    11 months ago

    Brilliant! I don’t entirely disagree with that. I had vim forced on me at my old job, including actual vi on some of the more ancient systems. I got so used to it that I don’t really know how to use nano and definitely not emacs.

    I never understood what the big deal was. Write. Quit. If you can’t remember that ‘w’ means write and ‘q’ means quit, I don’t know how else to help. Add in some decent options in your vimrc and it is pretty comfortable. I am in no way some guru who knows every shortcut and fancy command out there, but I like using it and it is the first thing I install on a new system.

    I am not one to judge what text editor, OS, phone, car, or computer you like. You do you. If I was a sysadmin that had to deal with people who really shouldn’t be on those systems and that was an easy way to discourage people from screwing with it, then hell yeah.