And those configs are clearly the result of someone else stitching together three different examples from different versions, with some settings that are silently ignored in the latest version or only exist when compiled with special flags.
And those configs are clearly the result of someone else stitching together three different examples from different versions, with some settings that are silently ignored in the latest version or only exist when compiled with special flags.
Here is a basic way to configure the service:
But this method has significant drawbacks and probably won’t work for most use cases, so do what works for you.
I haven’t tried it yet, but GrayJay purports to be an aggregator along those lines:
They did issue a fix: “Buy a new CPU please!”
That’s why they don’t mind the reputation hit. If 1 person swears allegiance to Intel as a result but 2 people buy new AMD chips, they’re still ahead. And people will forget eventually. But AMD won’t forget the Q3 2024 sales figures.
As a developer, my default definition of “slow” is whether it’s slow on my machine. Not ideal, but chimp brain do chimp brain things. My eyes see my own screen all day, not yours.
I use Linux because Hackintosh is a dying platform and it only takes about 800 hours to get it almost as good.
Visual Studio: 😳
I started on MacVim, so I could just use cmd+q. And by the time I used vim on the terminal I knew all about :commands
Least toxic Linux thread
Use and let us know how it goes. I’ve always been curious.
Could also be that the HTTP server lied about the content length.
Reminds me of the throne from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
Can yall idiots just fact-check for a goddamn second?
Edit: Just type “windows 12 subscription” into your search bar. It’s fewer words than any of these comments!
2GB dotfile repo
being lost without vim keybinds
I use macOS btw
I did not think there was that much to tightening. I read the whole damn thing.