The crypto is decent, it’s electron so it’s source available. If you want to ignore their hosting solution, you can disable the syncing and just take the vault from its config directory and sync it yourself
The real downsides are that it’s not actual open source, so if they decided to screw around with the security or turn the crypto off somebody can’t just fork it.
Taskkill /f is reasonably close to sudo kill -9
Hitting the X in Windows and hitting the X in Linux both cause the application to start a save yourself routine. From the OS standpoint they’re not far off.
The problem is we have a lot of confirmation bias in windows because every time we want to close an application that’s not working, that save yourself call has to sit around for a hellaciously long time out followed by a telemetry call so that Microsoft can track that it happened.
It’s pretty rare that Linux apps don’t just close.