thats better than Git just choosing a file to keep.
the meme spells it like the command shutdown
sounds like actually a good solution … tho doesnt sound like it would work for more than 2 similarly-named files
surely Git warns about stuff like this when you clone it, right ?
this implies i keep an operating system installed for that long
i though the same thing before reading other comments
does that…help ?
edit: obviously it does; i misread the post.
system of a d
systemd of a own
rage against the virtual machine
photoshop, illustrator, etc are genuinely good programs though. the ‘linux alternatives’ just arent usually as powerful or easy to use.
this is coming from a linux and foss fanatic, btw. i dont use adobe, but i probably would if i was in a creative industry
“yes i would love to tar -xvjpf
my files”
– statement dreamed up by the utterly insane
…or shipping to MSDOS
often, yes, the same questions are made; but just as often the questions are set in different contexts or asked in different communities. regardless, technology and the opinions around it change, so some new discussions should be started regularly, if just to prevent information from stagnating.
the difference between asking a genuine question and those crude responses (and similarly, your comment), is that the question has a purpose: it sparks constructive conversation by inviting people to share their opinion, and the (helpful) responses ultimately benefit the asker. whereas the responses only exist to spite those looking for genuine answers; to waste their time and put them down. to reply like that benefits you only with a sense of superiority, at the cost of depreciating and sidetracking the discussion.
before you compare this chain to a toxic comment, realize that neither of us are reiterating dogma or making attacks at the other’s willingness to learn. i’m not saying what is being said here has never been said before, just that your average reader may very well take away new perspective from both arguments. and isnt that what discussion is all about ?
maybe they want to gauge different opinions and reasoning. not everything has a simple definitive answer. if u dont want to answer, ignore the post.
i so agree. i have a script that copies all file arguments into the directory .backups/YYYY-mm-DD-HHMM/
… handy for risky git operations too.
oh my god. youre telling me now!?!
yeah sure close enough! :)