• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • So you’re saying that there are some asshats out there? Those are everywhere.

    The open source community, and Linux community in specific mostly is a very positive and helpful bunch. I’ve been on IRC and fora for years and yes, yes, sometimes somebody says something negative, gee wiz.

    So far the most negative types out there seem to be in this post all complaining about how negative everyone is while in reality it’s not that bad

  • Yeah, I keep seeing this and it’s never been my experience in 20+ years of desktop Linux.

    Yeah, every now and then there is the asshole and troll. Go to a supermarket and you’ll find them too, go to your job and you’ll find those too. I don’t call all supermarkets asshole conglomerates, it’s simply the world, there are asshats in the world.

    I’ve talked directly to main developers of many systems like LVM, PHP, and so on who spent time to help me fix my issues. Who ever got to talk directly to an Apple dev or Microsoft dev?

    It’s not just Linux, it’s like that with all open source. Yes, there are negative players everywhere, but mostly it has been a very welcoming and helpful group

  • Ooohhh, OP is shitting on PHP, how very original!

    Maybe next time, though, OP should read what OP posts before OO writes a title, as the content has nothing to do with PHP, its all sorts of languages (none of which PHP) and mostly javascript.

    The content is pretty on point in general though, I’ve had the unfortunate luck of having dozens of developer candidates like that.

  • In my personal opinion, correct me if I’m wrong:

    Systemd was created to replace the init system, then through extreme scope creep took over way more than wanted and needed, the main developer was “problematic” to say it politically correct, and in practice it has over complicated many super easy tasks to the point that I hate it. Other init systems were intuitive, systemd is all but.

    Few weeks ago I setup a systemd server ssh server. Changing the port would be 5 seconds in changing a line in the sshd config, but now with the new and improved systemd I need to follow some nightmare documentation into creating systemd files in unrelated places and reload configs or something and I’m done with it