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  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Hugo isn’t a server, per se. It’s basically just a template engine. It was originally focused on turning markdown into web pages, with some extra functionality around generating indexes and cross-references that are really what set it apart from just a simple rendering engine. And by now, much of its value is in the huge number of site templates built for Hugo. But what Hugo does is takes some metadata, whatever markdown content you have, and it generates a static web site. You still need a web server pointed at the generated content. You run Hugo on demand to regenerate the site whenever there’s new content (although, there is a “watch” mode, where it’ll watch for changes and regenerate the site in response). It’s a little fancier than that; it doesn’t regenerate content that hasn’t changed. You can have it create whatever output format you want - mine generates both HTML and gmi (Gemini) sites from the same markdown. But that’s it: at its core, it’s a static site template rendering engine.

    It is absolutely suitable for creating a portfolio site. Many of the templates are indeed such. And it’s not hard to make your own templates, if you know the front-end technologies.

  • I open source all of my projects. Most people I encounter are reasonably polite, but of course even my most popular is used by a tiny fraction of the number of Gnome users. In any case, I long ago stopped caring about being beholden to users. Often they’re doing me favors and finding issues I haven’t, and some even provide useful analysis that saves me work. A few provide contributions. But at the end of the day, I do what I do for me, and anyone else who benefits from it provides a small dose of dopamine from being useful.

    I regularly fork projects and implement changes I want; I also file PRs, but in the case the upstream author has different opinions about it, requiring work I don’t think it’s necessary, I just let it go and maintain my own fork.

    This is not Ideal Open Software Development, with many people contributing to a common goal. It’s fractured and selfish. But the other way, it becomes work, and nobody’s paying me for this, and so I give no fucks.

    My mental health improved drastically once I stopped emotionally caring about the opinions of my users. I still care about the technicalities, but only insofar as they affect me or I deem them to be a superior solution. Key to this is not engaging emotionally; if I’m not interested in working on it, I just say so: I have other priorities, but an happy to review and maybe accept PRs.

  • The part about negotiation is a bit off-track.

    On one end, in the kernel, there’s a big array of pixels that is a picture that gets drawn on your monitor (or monitors). On the other end are a bunch of programs that want to draw stuff, like pictures of your friends and web pages. In between is software that decides how the stuff the softwares want to draw get put into the pixel array. This is Wayland; it was written to replace Xorg, which is what did that job for decades prior to Wayland.

    If you understand the concepts of Xorg and window managers, Wayland + a compositor = Xorg + a window manager. Wayland abdicated a lot of work to the compositors, making it simpler and easier to maintain (and compositors more complex and harder). But together, they all do basically the same job. If one of the compositors implemented a network protocol, then you could declare equivalency.

  • I’m using herbstluftwm and am happiest with it, but spent years on i3, almost a year in bspwm, and a hot minute on sway. All after years of mostly KDE, some Gnome, and a few years (concurrently w/ Linux) on Macs from work.

    Any tiling WM over any DE. I’d go back to i3 before choosing either Gnome or KDE. The one exception would be a fully feature-complete NeXTSTEP clone. I’d switch to that in a heartbeat. Not OpenSTEP, not Windowmaker; NS was beautiful, functional, fully integrated in all aspects - like MacOS, but without the dumbed-down idiocracy.

  • Ah. So equally irrelevant for Mac folks?

    15 years ago, it was hard to be a developer and avoid some contact with Windows (unless you were senior enough to have some pull), especially in the East Coast, where all high tech lags by about 5 years. Now days, the assumption that everyone must have to have some Windows interaction is more of an ass-U-me.

    There’s exactly one Windows machine in my life right now, and it’s my wife’s work computer. I only have to touch it when it’s fucking something basic up, like audio, and I couldn’t install something like WSL on it in any case.

  • Ah, OK.

    Yeah, I went full in on PlayStation VR before I realized I would never get over the sea sickness - although, mine was mild, it was still enough that I found myself avoiding those games.

    But, what I did love was using the set to watch filmed-in-3D movies. Much as I once owned an XBox just so I could play Halo (and only Halo), my PS VR set is now only ever used to re-watch Dredd in 3D. Not enough movies are filmed in 3D, and the conversions aren’t with it, so I’ve mostly given up on 3D, myself.

  • I discovered that EndeavourOS satisfied that for me, without me having to give up Arch. And snapper+btrfs-grub has eliminated any interest in messing about with the new line of immutable systems. The only tempting distro I might spend time in is Chimera Linux (link, b/c of an unfortunate naming conflict) which (a little hilariously) is an attempt to make a Linux distro that’s purely Gnu-free. Chimera also runs dinit instead of systemd, and that’s interesting.

    Anyway, there are a couple of options that let a user stay in Arch but make things less… fussy.

  • I wonder what percent of Linux users dual boot. I don’t think I ever have I’m just remembering getting a laptop from an employer and going through the effort of partitioning the disk drive down to a bare minimum for Windows and setting up dual boot - I don’t remember actually booting into the Windows side more than a couple of times. This would have been over a decade ago. Either I’ve had a Windows-only machine supplied by my employer, which I wasn’t allowed to mess with at that level; or I’ve had a Linux machine. Even the computers I’ve bought that came with Windows pre-installed, I haven’t even booted into Windows before wiping the storage and installing Linux.

    I’m not some sort of purist; Windows just makes me angry when I use it - I’ve just always found it a frustrating experience, so I’ve never bothered with dual booting.

    It makes me wonder what the distribution is. Are the majority of Linux users dual-booters?

  • Arch is only the larval stage. When a Linuxite consumes enough CLI, they metamorphose into one of two adult forms: a Void user, or a NixOS user. As these two adult forms are incompatible, this is a rare case of species divergence within a life cycle. Even more oddly, like the axolotl, many Arch users never leave the larval stage, and continue living comfortably in their ecological niche.