Gets carried away in overly rambly rants about unimportant bullshit, uses fancy words without understanding their meaning, has a complete lack of self awareness.
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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Man I’m not ready for the Kurt Angle episode.

    I remember being a “TNA kid” in the mid to late 2000’s, and thinking that Angle was not human, he would straight up wrestle at 120% the intensity of a normal wrestler during those years.
    Around 2009/2010, there were increasing rumors that Angle was seen limping and struggling to move backstage, but when the entrance music would start, he would shake it off, endure it just enough to wrestle his usual style of match, and go back just in time for the adrenaline to wear off.
    “No way”, I thought, “he’s still moving as fast as ever, he’s still as explosive as ever, those rumors must be fake”.
    Little did I know, not only were the rumors true, but the real toll that continuing to work at that level was taking on him was worse than any rumors could have guessed.

    In the next 5 years, he aged 15.

    He’s a cautionary tale for any wrestler that thinks about mortgaging their body to wrestle at an increased level… Mortgages have brutal interests.

  • Well. That is it. Nothing tops this in the “never say never in wrestling” scale. I thought we had peaked that in the past with other events but now we have definitely peaked.

    Nick Gage could appear on the next Smackdown and set Roman on fire and I would be like, sure, checks out. Ibushi could be surprised added to the main event of WrestleMania with zero context, win the title, and I wouldn’t be even phased. Just, why not at this point.

    As always, I’m deeply grateful to real life wrestling industry for making my Total Extreme Wrestling saves seem believable in comparison.

  • The “Boom, this is over. No matter how much time is left. It’s just over” is a very important part I think. Thankfully it doesn’t happen as often nowadays, but it used to be that if a worker got hurt, guys were expected to get to the finish and hit it to put an end to the match, which has always been a ridiculous concept. I’m reminded of Orton breaking his collarbone in a match… and still getting up to get to the appropriate finish of Triple H hitting him with the sledgehammer… that kind of thing has happened countless times. You probably came up with like three examples while you were reading this. That has to stop.

    Wrestling needs to get more comfortable with the idea that we all know that these are performers performing an act and there is nothing to protect anymore, and just like how if a theater performer broke their leg during a play, they wouldn’t be expected to quickly hit their remaining lines before going to the back, a wrestling performer shouldn’t be expected to hit a finish to protect kayfabe if an injury happens. The industry needs to normalize that an actual injury is a possible finish to any type of match and to have backup plans if such a thing happens.