I’m finally moving my selfhosting experiments from a VPS to a physical machine in my house but, since I don’t have a static IP address, I opted to use the dynamic dns service offered by Cloudflare.

On their official website I’ve seen suggested ddclient but I haven’t find that much information on which labels should I add to set it up. Therefore, I’ve also found this docker image that seems pretty clean and easy to set up, but the video talking about it was of 3 years ago and I’ve seen that the github repository has been archived last year…

Which option (not necessarily among the two above) do you prefer to set up your Dynamic DNS with Cloudflare? (I don’t know if this can be an important information to add or not, but the Linux server I’m using is running NixOS)

  • Arthur Besse@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    cloudflare’s service puts them in the middle - so, HTTPS doesn’t encrypt traffic between the browser and your server anymore, but instead between the browser and CF, and then (separately) between CF and your server. CF is an antidote to intelligence agencies’ problem of losing visibility when most of the web switched to HTTPS a decade ago.

    • ToRA@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      CF is an antidote to intelligence agencies’ problem of losing visibility when most of the web switched to HTTPS a decade ago.

      This is a claim that will need evidence backing it up.